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Speaker #11: Ellanee Wilson

About Ellanee Wilson:

Believe it or not, Ellanee Wilson was exactly where you are 9 years ago. She was sleep deprived, exhausted, anxious, angry, and not even sure if she was fit to be a mother. After making it out alive, She not only (willingly) decided to have TWO more kids, she got certified as a pediatric sleep coach, and She is making it her mission to help families get some sleep. She is her to help you navigate through the noise that is out there and to help you get some sleep, all while honoring your unique parenting voice and familial needs. Every child is unique. Every family dynamic is different. She is here to help support you through this time and to give you the building blocks to good sleep and so, so much more.

Speaker Details:

  • Day Interview Goes Live: September 12th
  • Topic: Setting Realistic Expectations for Your Kids' Sleep
  • Free Gift: Baby Sleeps Basics Guide
  • Grand Prize Giveaway: Discount on her Tacking Toddler Sleep Courses
Lessons for this module 16
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